Most hosts will simply either ignore the trolls or discreetly block them from the scope. Tiphani, however, falls into the middle. Sometimes she will ignore them, but on a good day she will have a witty comeback. Yesterday was one of those days.
When the troll felt the need to tell her that she was cross-eyed Tiphani first confirmed that she actually is (although I never noticed, so maybe she was being facetious) and thanked the person for pointing it out. She then went on to say for years cross-eyed people were everywhere, but today she rarely sees any. She continued by suggesting that technology must have found a way to correct the problem or God just didn’t want there to be anymore cross-eyed people.
For those who don’t know cross-eyed or strabismus, which is the medical term, is when the eyes do not align and appear to not be focused in the same direction. It’s’ cause is attributed to nerve damage to the muscles controlling the eye.
A few days later someone asked her how she keeps her teeth so white and again she came back with a quirky response, “I just floss the ones I want to keep.”
Of course I was cracking up at this point, but it got me to thinking, what a perfect way to deal with people who make insensitive comments or ask inappropriate questions. Whether intentional or not, sometimes you have to just stop people where they plant the offense so it doesn’t take root. Of course everyone is not as quick on their feet or as witty is this young woman, but she demonstrated that you can acknowledge rude people and check them, without being rude or offensive yourself. So tell me, have you seen any cross-eyed people lately, or does Tiphani have a point? Has technology and good health plans curtailed the problem?
Love & Blessings,
Tracy L. Darity is the author of three novels, He Loves Me He Loves Me Not!, Love...Like Snow in Florida on a Hot Summer Day, and The Red Bear Society. Available in print and e-book. To learn more, visit or
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